Machine Learning Consulting

Our skills at your disposal:

Apply AI and machine learning to create solutions for your business

Over the past couple of years, we’ve seen how the use of Machine Learning can offer several advantages to our partners.

Some of these advantages are:

  • make their systems smarter.

  • leverage data to create UX-enhancing models.

  • empower companies to make more impactful business decisions.

What can ML do for you?


Computer Vision

  • Identify images quickly and effectively: generate quick access to product information just by taking a photo; recognize defective products before they get shipped to customers; and more.

  • Recognize specific elements in images or videos in order to streamline processes.

  • Transcribe images to natural language descriptions for improved accessibility.

  • Transform a system’s UX by automatically tagging uploaded images and videos.


Audio and Signal Processing

  • Identify sound events that help users to recognize specific elements such as speakers (especially valuable for security measures), emotions, songs, TV shows, mechanical issues, and much more.

  • Sound and speech recognition for different purposes, from security measures to product improvement .


Natural Language Processing

  • Automate the content tagging process.

  • Find similar items, products or content based on textual titles or descriptions.

  • Automatically classify new support cases, estimate their complexity for further review or give automatic suggestions.

  • Gain insight from brand perception through social listening.

  • Create question and answer systems and text summarization features.


Predictive Analytics

  • Leverage structured, semi-structured and raw unstructured data.

  • Discover hidden patterns in data to identify the most relevant insights for the client.

  • Generate reports for descriptive analysis, beautiful dashboards and functionalities for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the predictive models in real time.

  • Use your data to minimize risks, maximize opportunities, and support business decisions .

How we do it

As a Machine Learning consulting company, we can support you at any stage of your project:


  • At this initial phase, the team’s goal is to fully understand the business problem in order to define a roadmap.


Data Collection and Preparation

  • Our data engineers access your data to prepare, cleanup and transform it following the project’s goals.



  • By studying and analyzing the hard data, we will prototype, discover the most relevant features, develop models and iterate through learning algorithms.


Iterative Full Stack Development

  • During the system’s development we will implement the solution, from testing, deployment, maintenance, to continuous improvement.


Deploy, Monitor, Evaluate and Improve

  • We will continue to monitor the system’s performance and how the models interact with new, real data in order to generate fresh usage insights.

Case studies

Here’s how some of our clients have partnered with us to disrupt traditional business with the use of machine learning:

Our preferred tools / frameworks:

Want to discuss your project?

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